Saturday, June 9, 2012


We are home!
After three incredible weeks in Italy and France, we are back and sleeping in our own bed.

Pictures to come. We are down to one computer (mine bit the dust while on vacation) so posts are slightly delayed. And this is the first weekend we are truly at home since we have been out of town every weekend since we have been back.

Now faced with a weekend with no glamorous traveling plans, the PVD (post-vacation depression, it is real people!) has set in. Life truly was more exciting and relaxing when my only worries were what museum I wanted to see and how many eclairs I could eat in one sitting.

I am currently working on the arduous task for sorting through our 2,000+ pictures. I have so much to share and I can't wait to tell you about our adventures!


  1. I can't wait to see! I hope you guys had such a blast! I am so JEALOUS!!

  2. Yay, I'm so glad yall were able to go do that! Once in a lifetime. Can't wait to hear ALL the details! (PS I miss you guys...)


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