Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mickelson Reunion 2011

This year Thanksgiving was turned into a reunion of sorts with my mom's side of the family.
At first I thought it was an extended get together but family t-shirts were involved so the event was kicked up a notch to family reunion status.

The events for locals were mostly at night so we could all still work. Meanwhile, my cousins rented a cabin at Aspen Grove where almost all the reunion activities took place.

Tuesday's adventures were surrounded by games.
Moo and I compiled a bunch of Minute to Win It games.
The winning team won a batch of cookies made by me. Score.

Note: Minute to Win It is a TV game show where the contestants must complete a task in one minute. 

Games included:

Marker bowling with a foam tube and marbles.

 Bouncing ping-pong balls into your partner's drinking cups.

 Shooting down paper cups with a rubberband.

Face the cookie: putting a cookie on your forehead and making it to your mouth, only using your facial muscles. Yes, my friends, it can be done.

Other games included:
tying an empty tissue box filled with ping pong balls to your waist and booty-shaking them out
name that celebrity
beer pong (minus the beer)
balance dice on the end of a popsicle stick clenched between your teeth
and more.

Stay tuned.
This was only night one.

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