Friday, March 4, 2011

To grandmother's house we go....

I spend all of my days working with seniors, (as in senior citizens, not seniors in high school. definitely confused someone on that before.)
Part of my job is to do home visits. After asking my boring questions, I stay a while and hang out.
After visiting with one particularly cute grandma, she mentioned her family didn't live close enough to visit.
Cue my breaking heart.
This in turned inspired me to visit my own grammy.
So we did.

This is the cold we left. It was 60° when we got to Grammy's. Perfect.

It takes 3 1/2 hours to drive to grammy's if you don't stop.
So we knew we needed sustenance. Enter enormous bag of Tootie Fruities. That's how we roll. 

The driver. He drove the whole time. So I could read. Love him.

One of the first things we did when we got there was decorate my grammy's tree.
She keeps it up all year long but trades the ornaments to fit with the season.

We were lucky enough to be there to put up the Easter eggs. I love them.

We watched the ducks in her backyard. And almost got attacked by the swan.
It was terrifying.

I listened to my favorite C.D. from when I was younger.
It has rocking tunes like "Lovely Bunch of Coconuts", "Open the door, Richard", "Bushel and a Peck" and "If I knew you were coming I would've baked a cake." You know, the classics.

Me and the Grams. I love her.

Well, the bad weather followed us. How eerie do those mountains look?

Thanks, grammy! It was a perfect weekend!

1 comment:

  1. i love that CD too!!! i have been meaning to get a copy each time i visit- glad you got to visit Gran!!


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