Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Göreme, Turkey

While the fairy chimneys get most of the attention, the town of Göreme is a delight in itself. With small, uneven cobblestone streets, it has charm up the wazoo. Yes, wazoo.

Many of the hotels and restaurants are carved into the fairy chimneys which is kind of amazing. We stayed in the Turquaz Cave Hotel (pictured above and below), which is partly carved into the mountain but still has plumbing, windows, etc.

For dinner we ate at Seten Restaurant which was fantastic. Reservations recommended.
We also tried Testi Kebap (can't remember the restaurant, pictured above) where the meat is cooked in a clay pot all day long and then the pot is ceremoniously cracked open at the table. You must reserve in advance so your meal can stew all day long.

Aside from eating, the rest of the town is just as dreamy.

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